Nitrate based fertilizers are the most efficient form of nitrogen


YaraBela nitrate based fertilizers, are pure nutrients, offering the required precision efficiency and reliability to meet the agronomic and environmental imperatives of modern agriculture. Nitrate nitrogen has been proven to be the best form of nitrogen for NZ farming conditions. 

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Benefits of YaraBela nitrate fertilizers

YaraBela - nitrate and sulphate fertilizers
YaraBela - nitrate and sulphate fertilizers

Agronomic efficiency

  • Immediately available nitrogen - Nitrogen present as nitrate and ammonium, immediately available for plant uptake
  • Highly soluble sulphur - Where included sulphur is present as calcium sulphate which is highly soluble so reaches plant roots quickly
  • Higher yield than urea - At identical nitrogen application rates, nitrates achieve offers 2 – 5% higher yield than urea based fertilisers
  • Enhanced protein - Nitrate fertilisers enhance protein content by 0.3 – 0.9% compared to urea based fertilisers

Environmental benefits

  • Low volatilisation losses - Volatilisation losses from ammonium nitrate fertilisers are 1 – 3%, compared with up to 27% from urea
  • Reduced leaching - High nitrogen efficiency, fast uptake and lower dosage giving better control over residual nitrogen
  • Low carbon footprint - The life cycle carbon footprint of YaraBela nitrate fertilisers is 12.5 % lower than for urea based fertilisers
  • Low environmental index - The overall environmental index of YaraBela is 46.6 % lower than for urea fertilisers

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