Nitrogen deficiency vs. healthy plant made worse by
- Low or high pH soils
- Sandy or light soils (leaching
- ) Low organic matter
- Drought conditions
- High rainfall (leaching) or heavy irrigation
- Addition or high levels of non-decomposed organic matter/manure (eg straw)
- Fast growing crops
Nitrogen is important for
- High and early yields, good leaf size and market quality
Yara recommended fertilizers for Nitrogen
Cabbage: 5 kg/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat as necessary at 7 to 10 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Read more about YaraVita CROPLIFTYaraVita SAFE-N 300
Cabbage: 10 to 15 l/ha. Apply 10 to 14 days after thinning or transplanting. Repeat at early head formation and at 10 to 14 intervals if necessary. Water rate: 100 to 200 l/ha.
Read more about YaraVita SAFE-N 300